Chibi Akuma v1.666 free and open source on the 26th October 2018
Released in 2016, Chibi Akuma (episode 1 : Invasion) is an Amstrad CPC 6128(+) shooter game whose character is an unhappy vampire woman.
The game is written by Keith56 (Twitter), he will release the source of the game on the 26th October 2018.
Ben Daglish (musician) died on the 1st October 2018 (52 years old only...)
Ben Daglish is a musician and composer for 8bit games (Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, C64 and well the 16bit Amiga).
The youtube video with Ben Daglish took place at the London "Underground" pub on the 15th of October 2016 where he performed with Fastloaders two music tracks, The Wastelands loader and The Wastelands theme (Last Ninja game on C64).
The engineering miracle of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
From time to time, an article not about Amstrad computers, well till 1986 when Amstrad bought the computer part of Sinclair Research.
OSNews mentions an interesting article about the making of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, its colour clash and graphics engines like Nirvana+ which allow nice games without this colour clash like Gandalf released in 2018 (see the video below).
The making of Total Eclipse (1988) in Retro Gamer (April 2018)
An article of the Retro Gamer (April 2018) issue will let you learn more about the making of the Amstrad CPC game Total Eclipse (Incentive, 1988) which uses the 3D engine Freescape.
Quigs pre-alpha by Trebmint, replace SymStudio, an IDE for writing SymbOS partout
Quigs by Trebmint is a replacement for Symstudio, an IDE to write programs for SymbOS. It's a Windows program, but it works with Wine.
Source code of the Telnet by Duke for the wifi M4 Board (and SymTel for SymbOS)
Duke wrote a telnet program for the wifi M4 board, whose sources are now available since the start of August.
To compile the source with RASM (Windows), here are the how-to.