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Mighty Street fighter by AmstradGGP v1.1 is available for Amstrad CPC


Mighty Street Fighter v1.1 by AmstradGGP is available for Amstrad CPC, it features :

  • Implementation of a 2-speed Turbo mode that can be combined with all current difficulty levels
  • Simplification of the buttons (controllers) by removing the charge function. From now on, all special moves are performed diagonally down, right, or left, depending on the direction of the NPC. This makes combat more dynamic
  • Speeded up the selection cursor in the menu
  • Offset of the difficulty indicator stick figure because it was difficult to see on some CRT screens
  • Revision of Vlad's spinning special move
  • Reed, Vlad, Bud may have some non-blocking visual issues on an exceptional basis. A review will come later.
  • All characters enlarged by +/-10%
  • Changed Vlad's clothing colors from Red to Blue
  • The scenery has been reworked, limiting the use of hatching. The combat zone has been brightened and redone. The sky is now based on the same pattern for all levels

Youtube video

The last oath by Narkhos, a graphical adventure game for Amstrad CPC in english


Le Dernier Serment par Narkhos is a french graphical adventure game for Amstrad CPC released in 2024. This year it's the english version the Last Oath which is available.

Seing the posts on CPCWiki, it is appreciated. But if you are loading too many ROMs, it can be a problem as the program is using a lot of RAM.

The video of the french version Le Dernier Serment is made by Xenomorph.

Youtube video

Master Piece, an Amstrad CPC reflexion game (chess) by Tartessos Games


Master Piece is an Amstrad CPC reflexion game by Tartessos Games, which is using the MK1 Pestecera engine by The Mojons Twins. It's a chess oriented game, but you really don't need to like the chess game to be able to play this one.

Move the pieces across the board in the same way as in standard chess, but making a capture with each move. The goal is to finish each level with only one piece remaining: The Master Piece. 199 challenges that progress from beginner to expert level.

Youtube video

Bomb Jack Remake by Anthony Flack on Amstrad CPC available


It is released, the mode 1 remake of Bomb by Anthony Flack after two years of work.

loading screen of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack screnshot of the Amstrad CPC game Bomb Jack Extra Sugar by Anthony Flack

Youtube video

Can it run Doom8088 by FrenkelS ?


Of course your Amstrad PC 1512, 1640, PPC 512, PPC 640 and more (286 and 386) can run Doom8088 by FrenkelS. The fist version of Doom8088 was released the 28th August 2023.

Doom8088 can run in text mode, MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA and MCGA. It can use EMS if any for a 64 Kb buffer, and XMS for a RAMDRIVE if you have some. This version is based on GBADoom, a port of PrBoom for Game Boy Advance.

Below a video of Doom8088 in CGA.

Youtube video

Lee Cook on Crack'n Rom Nostalgie, quality content about the Amstrad GX4000 console


Always in advance being late, even if I had seen very interesting content by Lee Cook some weeks ago on the Facebook group Amstrad GX4000/PLUS Users and after getting his agreement to publish here both in english and french his findings, I just found yesterday that Crack'n Rom Nostalgie just published one of his writings.

So I invite you to go read it (french only) while waiting for me to work a little more :-)

Hundra, an Amstrad PCW(+) by Enrique G. Gálvez


Hundra is an Amstrad CPC platform game written in 1987 by Ricardo PUERTO (programmation), Raul LOPEZ (graphics), Roman HERGUETA, Javier CUBEDO (music) and Luis ROYO (cover). It was edited by Dinamic Software.

Enrique G. Gálvez jus released yesterday Hundra for Amstrad PCW and PCW+ : 4 and 16 colors modes which are available with the two following emulators : CP/M Box et ZEsarUX.

Youtube video

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