HxC Floppy Emulator Manager v4 released by NoRecess
-The 4th version of the HxC Floppy Emulator Manager is available.
It features :
- User can now edit up to 20 slots (previous version: 15 slots was the max.)
- New UI, removed the old "demomaker style" presentation, now displaying more files on screen (with longer filenames)
- DEL key added to move back to parent folder while navigating
- The manager now skips DSK files when using a HxC SD/Slim device
- The Help page now reports the firmware version + build date of the Manager
- Switched compilation to SDCC 4.2.0 (resulting better Z80 implementation)
- Now compiled using RASM from roudoudou (previous version: Pasmo)
- Now compressed using ZX0 packer (previous version: the good old Bitbuster)
- Smaller binary (11KB) resulting a faster load from BASIC prompt (previous version: 16KB)
It remains compatible with the 64KB RAM-based machines, and the ROM version is sdirectly available into the AUTOBOOT.HFE file.