Archives for the month April 2022 of Genesis8 Amstrad Page

Onescreen Colonies 2 by Vanity, an Amstrad CPC demo


Onescreen Colonies 2 by Vanity is an Amstrad CPC demo by Hicks (code), Beb (GFX) and Madram (music).

The demo is in 2 parts, the second one is a scrolltext in french with some words which some people cited could not appreciate.

Youtube video

Nebulus and Cauldron by carlc27843 on Pico-8


Carlc27843 has written for PICO-8 an Amstrad CPC AY-3-8910 sound chip emulator using undocumented 5512Hz 8-bit mono PCM channel, to compose or convert Amstrad CPC music by Dave Rogers.

And I just tumbled on his two other creations : a remake de Nebulus and a demo about the game Cauldron on Pico-8 of course. Hit the links so you will able to see a video of the game and the demo.

The Amstrad CPC web site of Barjack


Seen on CPCWiki, you can see Barjack's web site with the graphics he did, including work in progress games :

  • Bubble Quest for Amstrad CPC+ by Roudoudou, e-dredon, Toto and Barjack
  • Renegade Metro (without more informations)

This site is a good news, the bad one is that he should stop Amstrad CPC activities when Bubble Quest is done...

Second book about assembly on 5 new CPUs par keith56


Keith56 has released a second book about assembly on 5 new CPU : ARM Thumb, 65816, 6809 PDP-11 and Risc-V CPUs. The first book was about many CPUs, including the Z80 of course.

If you buy the book on Amazon, he will give you a PDF version.

WIP Airwolf Reloaded by Cyril GOURET, TITAN and Alain le Guirec


Airwolf is well known to be an unplayable game as it is so difficult and also bugged !

Cyril GOURET, TITAN and Alain le Guirec are working on Airwolf Reloaded which is for the moment a hacked version of the original game : no more time limite, no more collision test, no more gravity. There is also a new supberb loading screeen by TITTAN et a new music..

And they are working on an upgrade of the graphics by TITAN, I saw some beautiful screens on facebook (link lost though) and to make a game being finally playable.

Youtube video

New graphic resolutions on Amstrad CPC by McArti0


By modifying ROMs, McArti0 was able to obtain news resolutions on Amstrad CPC : 256x256 and maybe 1024x512 in an emulator like sugarbox.

He also wrote another thread on CPCWiki : CPC joining to VGA monitor by 5 wire interface which gives 512x464 in mode 2, complete with schematic and pinout.

In fact, you can reconfigure the CRTC chip in an Amstrad CPC and OS to use all 65 Kb of the video RAM. Amstrad can show a maximum resolution of 1024x512 at 25Hz (or 1072x480).

Mod Master XT v1.0 for your PC XT, listen to musical modules files


The version 1.0 of Mod Master XT by FreddyV is available on Vogons.

This msdos utility lets you hear a lot of music modules formats on any PC even a PC XT (CGA), for example an Amstrad PC 1512/1640 or a PPC 512/640...

Swingin', an Amstrad CPC demo by Bug Powell and AST (Revision 2022)


Swingin' is an Amstrad CPC demo by Bug Powell (code) and AST (graphics), musical player by Madram and music by Dark Angel (Atari ST conversion).

It got the 11th spot in the demo contest at the Revision 2022. You can see the demo on youtube.

Youtube video

PunyInform v3.6 by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson to write text adventure games


PunyInform v3.6 by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson is a library written in Inform 6 to create adventure game (pure text, no graphic support contrary to DAAD) using the Z-machine virtual machine which will run on 8bit computers (or more recent computers too). PunyInform has a parser, knowing of common verbs and a framework to write adventure games.

PunyInform is based on the Inform 6 library written by Graham Nelson. Its goal is to make easily adventure games in Inform 6, with a manual describing the differences between the official library and PunyInform..

Games using PunyInform can be compiled in z3, z5 and z8 format (z3 being the best format for 8bit computers, other formats have more features). Compared to the Inform 6 library, it means that there is no support for the Glulx virtual machine but z3 format is important as Inform 6 doesnt support it.

To compile games written with PunyInform, you should use the Inform 6 compiler maintained by David Kinder. Binaries are available on if-archive. PunyInform needs Inform v6.35 (or more).

They are tutorials to write adventure game with PunyInform (end of the page) and all the documentation including a 8 page cheat sheet (quick reference)..

To try your game after compilation, you can use WinFrotz by David Kinder, to create map easily you can use Trizbort.

And finally, to create an Amstrad CPC and PCW disk image, you will have to use the Puddle BuildTools.

Pixel Free, a 4kb Amstrad CPC demo by Snake_revival and Glafouk


Pixel Free is a 4kb Amstrad CPC demo by Snake_revival (Thomas Naslin) for the code and Glafouk for the music.

History of the Amstrad CPC game le Passager du temps with Génération Micros


Génération Micros has made a video for his 30th cult game : le passager du temps on Amstrad CPC by Alain Bregeon and Patrick Beaujouan. He is talking about its history and the life of its authors.

Youtube video

RASM v1.7 by Roudoudou, a multi platform assembler for Amstrad CPC


The last version of RASM is v1.7 (11th April 2022).

Rasm is now available on Github (documentation included).

This multi platform assembler (linux, windows, but not only like MorphOS on Amiga) let you program for Amstrad CPC.

A new version of Martine by Impact is available (v0.35)


Martine v0.35.0 is an utility written by the Impact group :

  • converting JPG and PNG images to Overscan screen or window for Amstrad CPC (and Plus series)
  • new tile map mode, which allow to analyze an image of a level game, and produce .imp and .til readable by tile tool from Impact

This version was released the 20th April 2022. It is available for Windows, MacOS, ARM64 and linux.

Amspirit, a new Amstrad CPC emulator by Dmanu78, an interesting genesis


I saw this new windows emulator on theSystem.CFG months ago but I forgot to write about it... Dmanu78 did document all the genesis of his emulator, a very interesting reading in french that I invite you to read.

The thread on CPCWiki is here.

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