News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Michael Archer has released the source code of his C64 games


Michael Archer is the author of several known games on C64. He did release their source code on Github, an interesting move :

  • Nemesis the Warlock (Martech)
  • Slaine (Martech)
  • Rampage (Activision)
  • Altered Beast (Activision)
  • Atomic Robokid (Activision)
  • Alien3 (Acclaim Entertainment)

Aeon part 1 on ZX Spectrum to Amstrad CPC (with AGD)


Aeon part 1 is a game created with AGD first on ZX Spectrum by Sunteam. It has been ported on Amstrad CPC by Vincent GR.

It isnt easy to play it with the keyboard, I couldnt pass the first screen with about 10 games. If you are better than me dont hesitate to reply on Twitter.

Aeon part 1 by Sunteam, ported on Amstrad CPC by Vincent GR

Classic Adventurer issue 5 is out, about adventure games


Classic Adventurer is a newspaper about adventure games which last issue number five is out as a free download or in printed format.

This issue has for example an article about Redhawk which was on ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and C64 by Melbourne House.

Disark by Targhan (Arkos), a disassembler/source converter


After the release of Arkos Tracker alpha 5 andt 6 by Targhan, it's the turn for the Disark utility.

Disark is a new cross-platform software (for Windows/Linux/MacOsX) developed because it was needed for Arkos Tracker 2, it is a Z80 disassembler/source converter.

Besides the disassembling part, the main goal of Disark is to convert a source into any other assembler's source. For example, AT2 Z80 sources heavily rely on RASM macros, which are not understood by other assemblers. So the trick is:

  • Assemble the player/music with Rasm (this gives a binary and a symbol file)
  • Use Disark on the binary to recreate the source, without all the bothersome macros!