News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Building the Aleste 520EX, a russian clone of the Amstrad CPC/MSX


The Aleste 520EX is a russian clone of the Amstrad CPC and the MSX. It works not with AMSDOS but with the MSX DOS (see this russian site in english). There was already a thread about the Aleste 520EX on CPCWiki, but this time Sebastian Blanco is talking about the Aleste kit he just bought. Finally he isnt the only one in the Amstrad CPC community to have one. If you are interesting it's seems to possible to buy one kit by writing to tetroid at inbox ru like Sebastian did.

You can see a youtube video of an Aleste 520EX running the Phortem demo by Condense (and MSX games at the start of the video).

A modified version of Caprice32 permits to emulate at least in part the Aleste 520EX.

Youtube video

iMPdraw v2 by AST/Imp4ct is released


The draw utility by AST/Imp4act Impdraw v2 is out since the 8th November, coming also with the release of iMPdos 512 (a FAT16 ROM for your xMass, M4 or Symbiface 3, it doesnt need Amsdos so an CPC 464 can use it). Click on the source link below for download (at the end of the first message).

La précédente version (v1.2) date d'avril 2016, les améliorations sont les suivantes :

  • a huge zoom zone
  • using he 4096 palette of the Amstrad Plus
  • fullscreen support for the 3 graphical modes of the CPC (0, 1 et 2)
  • possibility of creating plugins with OrgAms or any other assembler
  • adds Undo/Redo
  • 100% compatible xMass with iMPdos, M4 wifi board and Symbiface 3 (thanks to @Kris for testing it)
  • in case of basic return or reset, you can get back your file
  • an included utility to create frames
  • Load/Save .win
  • Load .scr 17 kb files
  • integrated help

Beware, Impdraw uses more than 128 Kb, if you use WinApe please choose 4 Mb of RAM. Also a new version will be out in a few days

Youtube video

An interview of Stéphane F. author of an adventure game The Carnival Masks


There is an interview of Stéphane F. on Amstrad.EU about his game the Carnival Masks which I wrote about last month.

The results of the Amstrad CPCRetroDev 2019 competition


The results of the CPCRetroDev 2019 competition are out, see below. Congratulations too all the teams for their efforts from the last to the first. Writing a game is certainly not the easiest thing to do between programmation, gameplay, graphics and sound. Thanks to you for all your work which helps the Amstrad CPC live still.

I will try to take time to test them all in the following days. My first try will be the 31th game : Cpcrogue as I like roguelike games.

  • 01 - Miss input
  • 02 - Ludic Break the loop
  • 03 - EPIMETEO
  • 04 - Cobra
  • 05 - Bike masters
  • 06 - Super Tongue Dino
  • 07 - Hey Sailor !
  • 08 - Ratones y mazmorras
  • 09 - Woods rescue
  • 10 - ManPac
  • 11 - Happy Monty
  • 12 - Jackstrad
  • 13 - Shinobu
  • 14 - League of tanks
  • 15 - Dragon egg
  • 16 - DiscRespect
  • 17 - UFO driver
  • 18 - Shadow soul
  • 19 - Invasion a Marte
  • 20 - Fitzroy in the dark
  • 21 - Runninja
  • 22 - Jack's bubble island
  • 23 - PP space mercenary
  • 24 - Combat tendency
  • 25 - Project thing
  • 26 - Retro tennis super wave
  • 27 - Angry Kitten
  • 28 - Area51Raid
  • 29 - Mediaval brawl
  • 30 - Plant Attack
  • 31 - Cpcrogue
  • 32 - Ronin Revenge
  • 33 - Resignation Quest
  • 34 - DJD
  • 35 - CAPITAL QUIZ!

Youtube video

CPCEPower v1911, an Amstrad CPC emulator by Megachur (linux, windows)


The last version of the CPCEpower Amstrad CPC emulator by Megachur is the v1911 (download link in the first message). The goal of this emulator is to emulates as best is possible the Amstrad CPC, like ACE. For linux users, you must use Wine.

When The Alan Parsons Project meets the Amstrad CPC and the Amiga


Fabrizio Radica has written a MOD of the well know instrumental piece of the Alan Parsons Project : Mammagamma (original on the official youtube channel). This track was out on the eye of the sky, released in June 1982 by Arista Records.

You can listen to these three versions of this MOD :

Credits : original music by The Alan Parsons Project, conversion by Fabrizio Radica, graphics by Devilmarkus, player by Prodatron, videos Amstrad CPC done with the JavaCPC emulator.

Youtube video

SDCC v3.9.0 (C programming for Amstrad CPC) on PC and MacOS


A new version of the ANSI-C compiler SDCC v3.9.0 is available since the 15th April 2019 for windows, linux and MacOS.