Archives of Genesis8 Amstrad Page from 1999 to 2024 about games, page 34 / 71

Arcade Game Designer v0.7.3 for Windows by Jonathan Cauldwell


Arcade Game Designer v0.7.3 is a Windows (32/64) utility by Jonathan Cauldwell to write games for Timex/Next, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Acorn Electron, Dragon/Coco and Enterprise, without any knowing of programmation.

This new version adds : Windows 32 bit version, option to import AGD/AGDX games from TAP files, new options in the script generator, new tool to check for mistakes, 2 default fonts, numerous bug fixes, support for Acorn Electron, Dragon/Coco and Enterprise, updated documentation.

There is a forum about AGD.

Two interviews of Jane Whittaker who programmed for example Flying Shark


I will let you read two interviews of Jane Whittaker which are interesting :

The programming of Flying Shark was done just with the mother board of the arcade game, no more, no less. Graftgold had to find an arcade box and a TV set and play, play, play to write the Amstrad CPC conversion.

Orpheus 8-bit for Android by Bitlines, a remake of the Amstrad CPC adventure game Orphée


Orpheus 8-Bit by Bitlines is a remake of the adventure game Orphée released in 1985 by Loriciels. It was one of the two games I bought with Sorcery+ with my Amstrad CPC 664 the same year, sweet dreams. The video is done by Tarodius.

Nanako Chronicles, two games of 2009 by the the Mojon Twins upgraded 10 years later


Nanako is a game character first seen on ZX Spectrum, and later in 2009 on Amstrad CPC en 2009 in two game by The Mojon Twins which we find once again 10 years later upgraded in a compilation called Nanako Chronicles (sold by BitmapSoft) :

  • Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle, a reflexion and platform game, get up the tower in 25 levels to save your sister
  • Nanako Descends To Hell, in this action/adventure game, you must find 4 parts on an artifact to save her village

West Bank by Adolfito, an android remake of the Amstrad CPC game


West Bank is a spanish arcade Amstrad CPC game released in 1986 by Dinamic Software. An english version was released by Gremlins Graphics in 1987. Three doors in front if you, will you be fast enough to shoot the desesperados without harming innocents ?

After the windows remake FitoWestBank by Adolfito, it's now an Android remake by the same author which has been released in January 2019.

cover of West Bank provided by GameBase CPC

Relief Action finished 31 years later, a 3D wireframe game using stereoscopy by Loriciels


About 31 years later after trying for the first time at 10 years old, Jaymanu did finish the game Relief Action by Loriciels released in 1987. You should read the thread on CPCWiki for the informations, pokes and a SNR file to replay his game on WinAPE (put the emulation speed at 400% for less slowness).

There is an article about Relief Action by Sylvestre (french) on his site.

A clone of the arcade game Scramble on Amstrad CPC in about 7 days


PuzCPC is working on a clone of the arcade game Scramble (byKonami in 1981). He is testing what should be the final version released in about 7 days. I invite you to follow the source link below on CPCWiki to check all pictures of the game.

Repoker de Ases, games by 4Mhz in a Dandanator


Repoker de Ases par 4Mhz is a compilation of 4Mhz's games in a cartridge, more exactly in a Dandanator, so it has a 64 Kb RAM expansion, nice for an Amstrad CPC 464.

BEWARE, there are only 150 of them, so be quick to order one.

Soon an encyclopedia of Amstrad CPC games in kindle format (Amazon) by @RetroLaird


Seen on Xyphoe's Twitter, @RetroLaird is finishing writing the first issue of an encyclopedia about Amstrad CPC games, as he already did for other 8bit computers.

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