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GrafX2 v2.3, a graphical bitmap editor by Pulkomandy


GrafX2 is a bitmap paint program inspired by the Amiga programs Deluxe Paint and Brilliance. Specialized in 256-color drawing, it includes a very large number of tools and effects that make it particularly suitable for pixel art, game graphics, and generally any detailed graphics painted with a mouse. The program is mostly developed on Linux and Windows, but is also portable on many other platforms.

GrafX2 v2.3 has been released in April 2011. It can of course be used to draw Amstrad CPC screens.

ccz80 v3.1.3 a cross-compiler using a C like syntax for PC aimed for the Amstrad CPC


You can download the latest version of ccz80 (v3.1.3). The ccz80 language has a syntax based on C language, to program for Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and MSX on a PC.

This new version corrects some Amstrad CPC librairies (and more).

P.S. : see CCZ80++ now.

Phactory v2.2 is out


Phactory v2.2 by NoRecess is available.

This new version of this development environment targetting Amstrad CPC adds a new user interface, overall speed improvements thanks to a new plugin system, a new source code editor featuring Z80 assembly syntax highlighting and some minor bugs fixed.

At the moment there is no documentation, no examples, no templates and no support.

C Programming on and for Amstrad CPC (with SDCC, z88dk and ccz80)


To program in C on Amstrad CPC there are several compilers :

  • Small-C
  • Arnord-C
  • Hitech-C
  • Small-C
  • PhrozenC (on AND for Amstrad CPC as it also exists for windows)

But you can also program in C for Amstrad CPC on another platform. First,the multi-platform C compiler SDCC v3.1.0 targetting Z80 is out.

To use this compiler you can use an IDE : either Code::Blocks with its SDCC template by Octoate, or Phactory v2.1 by NoRecess with the help of SDCC2Pasmo v1.5(wich comes with sources). SDCC2Pasmo takes an .ASM file created by SDCC and converts it to used with PASMO (a Z80 cross assembler) which is compatiblewith Maxam (Amstrad CPC Z80 compiler, WinApe too).

You can find tutors for using SDCC on NoRecess web site or on CPCWiki.

If you are interested in using SDCC, you should read this CPCWiki forum thread about SDCC possible problems and anotherabout sMIDP2lib : a SDCC framework library by Mr Lou (which has now its own page on CPCWiki.

SDCC isnt the only compiler you can use, there is also :

ESP Soft's blog (google translation herein english) has informations about using Z88dk (librairies like cpcrslib and cpcwyzlib) and ccz80 (earliest news).

Edge grinder, a new multi-platform shoot them up game


Guess what, Axelay is working on a port of Edge Grinder (see below), so says one of my numerous spies, who assured me that it isnt a secretand safe to be announced.

Edge grinder is in fact a work in progress C64 game at the start, the first Format War "Collabortition" (a combination of collaboration andcompetition) with the plan being for programmers on other 8-bits to consider ways to convert it from the C64 to their platform of choice. So on the Format War web site you can download all you needto port the game, source code, map, background and sprite data.

Edge Grinder on C64 by Backward Engineering

Blue Angel 69 CPC conversion by Kevin Thacker is available


Kevin Thacker's conversion of a Magic Bytes reflexion game released in 1989 : Blue Angel 69 (written by Winfried Stappert) is now available. The original game is turn based (vs computer or another player). The screen draws a 8x8 chessboard filled with positive or negative numbers. Each turn, the player must choose a number whichs on the same linge (or column for the other player) that the last chosen number. Once chosen the number est removed from the chessboard and added or substracted from the player score. The goal of the game is of course to have more points than your adversary at the end of the game (where you will see the sexy robot fully).

Blue Angel 69 has been programmed by Kevin Thacker, graphics by Markus Hohmann, CAT art, inlay, disc label by Kukulcan, Blue Angel 69 website hosted by Markus, created by Kukulcan.

You can download the FULL game and source from Kevin Thacker's website.

In the sources you will find a library to use StarKos from z88dk, and within morelib some extras for loading/saving files using amsdos, displaying double height chars and more. The code also includes a modified version of cpcrslib which Kevin modified to try and make the code smaller. Kevin hope others using z88dk to make games will find these sources useful.

All build files and tools (excluding z88dk) are in the download. Kevin Thacker provides all so that you can learn from it, and that's a very good idea.

You will also be able to download it from cpc-power, and here you will also find cassette inlay and a disc label, both created by Kukulcan.

Blue Angel 69 intro screenshot

Blue Angel 69 menu screenshot

Blue Angel 69 game screenshot

Cpcdsk and the Caprice Reloaded emulator


Cpcdsdk is a project aiming to collect the various bit of existing sourcecode in one common place for the linux OS relative to the Amstrad CPC, add the missing features, and make life easier for all developpers :

  • The Caprice Reloaded emulator, with integrated assembler and debugger, for windows and linux,
  • gfx2crtc, a tool to convert pictures to the amstrad sceen format,
  • An imporved version of Ramlaid's cpctools, now running under linux, with (limited) support for usb floppy drives
  • A special version of STSound from Leonard, modified to emulate an AY3 more accurately (the original emulates the slightly different YM chip used in the Atari ST)
  • Hideur Maikeur by Downwater for handling AMSDOS headers
  • iDSK from sid for manipulating dsk images and files inside.

Arkos Tracker v1.0 beta 2 for PC


You can download Arkos Tracker v1.0 beta 2 for PC by Targhan.

Here's the changelist :

  • Complete coding of the sound generating and outputing by myself. The emulation is more accurate, and will allow the implementation of samples and Sids in the future,
  • Plug in your best MIDI Keyboard or any MIDI-In device, play and record your music with it,
  • 150hz and 300hz replay modes are now available. They are very slightly slower than on a real CPC. Nothing you should notice...
  • CPCBooster output is now very accurate,
  • Ability to save Interleaved/non-Interleaved YM6 format,
  • AKStoBin : a command line software to converts any AKS song into a binary to use on hardware (warning, you still need .Net to use it),
  • STKtoAKS : a command line software to converts any STarKos songs into an AKS song (warning, you still need .Net to use it).

ccz80 v3.0, a cross-compiler using a C like syntax for PC aimed for the Amstrad CPC


You can download the latest version of ccz80 (v3.0.0). The ccz80 language has a syntax based on C language, to program for Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and MSX on a PC.

P.S. : see CCZ80++ now.

PhrozenC, the compiler which cames from the cold by NoRecess


PhrozenC is a C compiler for Amstrad CPC and PC by NoRecess. On PC it compiles a .C file in .ASM ready to compilewith WinAPE. On CPC the .ASM file can be compiled with Maxam.

For Amstrad CPC it exists a ROM version, a 64 Kb version (stand-alone application), 128 Ko (RSX).

PhrozenC is released with a manual (PDF-format, 33 pages), covering all the things you have to know about to start programming using PhrozenC.

There is even a small tutorial about learning C for the newcomers. Example sources are available, as also a small set of library files handling file management, graphics, memory management, string concatenation, etc..

It's version 1.0, NoRecess plans to get your feedback and provide better versions with time...

PhrozenC, C compilator for Amstrad CPC and PC screenshot  PhrozenC, C compilator for Amstrad CPC and PC screenshot  PhrozenC, C compilator for Amstrad CPC and PC screenshot

Arkos Tracker preview for ... windows


Targhan (Arkos) has announced on the CPC_FR mailing list a preview of Arkos Tracker for windows. You can see a video of this Arkos Tracker preview on Youtube. Final version could be released in 2 or 3 weeks.

Seing the video, you can export to .WAV et .YM, and import .SKS (STarKos Tracker). The program can send the sound directly to an Amstrad CPC with a CPCBooster (I have some to sell, cant remember at the moment the price I paid for them, but they will be selled without a profit) or of course directly on the sound card of the PC.

More features given on the CPC Wiki's forum :

  • 256 patterns available
  • Each pattern is composed of 3 independent tracks
  • 512 tracks available, each being reusable in any pattern, or even several times in the same pattern
  • Each track can be transposed independently in a pattern
  • A track has a height from 1 to 128 lines, independently of the pattern that uses it
  • 255 instruments available
  • The instrument editor allows you to modify each registers of the PSG
  • Replay frequency of 13, 25, 50, 100, 150 or 300hz
  • Possibility to put "events" in your song. They can either be used to synchronize your music with your production, or trigger digidrums for exemple
  • Big news : instruments are divised into two channels : a Software, and Hardware one. These channels can be independant or dependent from each other. Allows using two waves at the same time
  • Allows you to play sound effects in a very flexible and powerful way. You can also play the SFXs without any music
  • You can import any STarKos song
  • NO SID/DMA for CPC+ for now. I may plan that...

About the Player :

  • Only 25 scanlines maximum used !
  • On top of being faster than the STarKos player, it's lighter : one and a half kb.
  • The player works on Amstrad CPC, MSX, Spectrum or Pentagon (using conditional assembling : only the necessary code is used).
  • The generated songs are very light (about as much as the STarKos song. Sometimes a bit lighter, sometimes not).
  • Can be used in Basic (call the player by yourself, or use it under interruptions), and Assembler.
  • The source of the player is given, and documented.
  • The format of the music is given. So you'll be able to create your own custom tools (conversion, new players...).
  • Fade in/out available.

About the sound effects :

  • Every instrument of your song becomes a sound effect.
  • You can play/stop a sound effect on any, or all, of the 3 channels.
  • You can choose the note, volume, speed of any triggered SFX.
  • You can add Pitch to them (useful to add randomness to the sounds, for example).
  • Sound effects are in a seperate file : you can use the same sound bank even if you change the music.

GrafX v2.1 (bitmap editor)


An update of GrafX (v2.1) is available.

It's a bitmap paint program that allows to draw in more than 60 video resolutions (from 320x200, including most of the standard Amiga resolutions, provided your videocard knows how to handle them). It was written originally for DOS, but has been modified to use SDL and modern operating systems. Its layout is not very different from Deluxe Paint or Brilliance.

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