A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque
-A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque is out (11th February 2021).
It's a windows utility to convert PC images to Amstrad CPC.
A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque is out (11th February 2021).
It's a windows utility to convert PC images to Amstrad CPC.
Keith56 is known for his Amstrad CPC games and now he is an author for a programming book on Z80, 6502, 68000, 8086 and ARM assembly.
You can buy the book on Amazon :
Robert Kehrer has written a soundtrakker player in javascript (on github). Sound isnt perfect at the moment due to no AY-3-8910 soundchip emulation, but it's a good start !
The M4 Board which let you add wifi on your Amstrad CPC just got another firmware v2.0.6.
Arnaud Bouche has updated his game inspired by l'Aigle d'Or : Throne Legacy v1.1. This new version brings the following modifications :
The 2021 edition of the Basic 10 liners has started the 1st February.
Check the twitter of BASIC10Liners for any news and any entrance.
A new version of the Amstrad CPC emulator for Odroid Go by Millim : CapriceESP32 is available (v0.8.4).
There are no informations about the changes in this version.
Turbo Rascal SE (TRSE) v0.12 is out. It's a complete suite (IDE, compiler, programming language, image sprite level resource editor) intended for developing games/demos for 8 / 16-bit line of computers, with a focus on the MOS 6502, the Motorola 68000, the (GB)Z80 and the X86. TRSE currently supports application development for the C64, C128, VIC-20, PLUS4, NES, Gameboy, PET, ZX Spectrum, TIKI 100, Amstrad CPC 464, Atari 2600, 8086AT, Amiga 500 and the Atari ST 520 (complete list here). With the benefits of a modern IDE (error messages, code completion, syntax highlighting etc) and a bunch of fast built-in tools, it has never been easier to program for your favorite obsolete system !
Join TRSE on Facebook !
Among the many changes of this 0.12 version (download link also), there is the source code of the Amstrad CPC demo Mørketid which I really did like.
The last version of the C compilator for PC and MacOS z88dk v2.1 is out since early February 2021, more details here.
Z88dk supports many more platforms, including the Amstrad Notepad NC 100/150 (480x64 pixels) and 200 (480x128 pixels).
Eto has just relased his first game ever for the Amstrad CPC : the Enchanted Stones of Cameronne (download link, also on CPCWiki).
It's a board game called "Cameronne" and based on the great game Ishido for the Gameboy which he played for hours.
Cameronne is written in Locomotive BASIC except for the music, which is using the Arkos Tracker BASIC binary provided by Targhan. Despite being a Basic game, he put quite some effort into optimizing the slow parts. It's of course not efficient as an Assembler game, but he thinks he could hide the annoying slow parts, so it doesn't hurt the gameplay too much.
Special thanks to Mr. Lou for providing the excellent music tracks. And thanks to Targhan for providing an easy way to include music into Basic programs.
It's also possible to play it at that website in the browser. But I recommend to play it on real hardware or a good emulator.
On the website there is also a ZIP file which contains the printing arts for the inlet, disk label and also a small manual with a background short story and the instructions. So it's possible to create a physical release if you want.
Youtube video of the Enchanted Stones of Cameronne game by Xenomorph below.
A new version of ConvImgCpc by Ludovic Deplanque is out (27th February 2021).
It's a windows utility to convert PC images to Amstrad CPC.
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