News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Help needed to finish an Amstrad CPC game : Takedown by Sigh


Sigh has finished all the artworks for his game Takedown (inspired by the game Dive Kick) for Amstrad CPC in mode 1 with 128 Kb of RAM. He is needed help from programmers to finish his game. If you can help him, just click on the source link just below.

8BP v039, a RSX library to create Amstrad CPC games in Basic


Jose Javier Garcia Aranda has released a new version of 8BP v39 (8bits de poder : 8bits of power), a RSX library to write Amstrad CPC games in basic (26 Kb max). You can download 8bp on github.

A new game comes with this new version : Blaster Pilot, an arcade game inspired in part by Time Pilot (Konami).

Shinobi remastered by Fmtrx


Shinobi is an arcade game made by Sega. It was released on Amstrad CPC in 1989 by the editor Virgin Games.

Fmtrx did decide to remaster it and this new version is available on CPCWiki.

He was helped by Fano for his Patch utility and also Yves Rizoud and Sigh (sprite).

The changes are :

  • sprite of the principal character
  • color change
  • new textures

You can see this new version on Youtube.

Youtube video