Archives for the month July 2022 of Genesis8 Amstrad Page

WIP Revenge of Trasmoz by Volcano Bytes on Amstrad CPC


Revenge of Trasmoz by Volcano Bytes is a WIP Amstrad CPC conversion of their game Curse of Trasmoz originally for ZX Spectrum. It's a 2 player arcade platform game on one screen.

The game is written by Carlos Pérezgrin and Borja de Tena, music and sound FX by Beyker and A. Pérez, cover art and graphics by Dani Diez, loading screen by BitFans. It is written with the CPCTelera framework by Francisco Gallego.

Red Planet for Amstrad CPC by Play on retro is available


First announced in 2017 using the CPCTelera framework, Salvador Cantero finally used the MK1 game engine by the Mojons Twins for his platform game Red Planet, the initial version was for ZX Spectrum. You can see the game being finished on Youtube by Amstrad Maniaque.

The game is written by :

  • Salvador Cantero : programmation, graphics
  • tacha : music and sound effects (I personally like the music)
  • masterklown : cover illustration

Youtube video

AY (ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST) Computer Sound Chip Emulator v2.9 beta 32


The ZX Spectrum Computer Sound Chip Emulator v2.9 beta 32 by Sergey Bulba is available, it permits to listen to many music format files, including .YM, .AY and .AYM music files, for windows and linux.

Lala Prologue (2022) by the Mojon Twins is available


Lala Prologue by the Mojons Twins was first released in 2010, you can see a complete gameplay video of Lala Prologue by Amstrad Maniaque.

The Mojons Twins has released a new version of their game which is available on their page.

This new version is using their game engine MK1 PSTCRA, Cprslib by Artaburu and WyzPlayer by Wyz.

Youtube video

CP/M is really open source now


In 2001 a limited licence for using CP/M was given to Tim Olstead (The Unofficial CP/M Web site) by Bryan Sparks who was (and still is) CEO of Lineo (successor of Caldera).

This licence has been clarified by Brian Sparks, CP/M is now clearly under an open source licence.

Source code of CP/M (different versions) is available, also their respective manuals.

You will find more informations about CP/M on John Elliott's web page.

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