Archives de Genesis8 Amstrad Page de 1999 à 2025 à propos de musique, page 6 sur 13

Le soundtrakker PC Arkos Tracker v2.0.0a5 par Targhan (Arkos) est disponible


Targhan a sorti Arkos Tracer v2.0.0a5 sous linux, windows et mac.

  • Many graphics improvement, including even more space for the pattern viewer.
  • Midi in: plug your keyboard and have fun!
  • Midi import: import your Midi songs.
  • New AKM (minimalist) player: more compact and powerful than the Lightweight!
  • Source converter: convert the music and player source to any assembler (winape, sdcc, pasmo, vasm, etc.) automatically, thanks to Disark, a new tool (for which I'll create a new thread...)!
  • ROM players: by setting a flag, the players will not use auto-modification anymore, but a small buffer to put in RAM, whereas the player itself can be put in ROM.
  • Support for specific hardware:
    • PlayCity (9 channels)
    • Spectrum Turbosound (6 channels)
    • SpectrumNext (9 channels)
    • MSX Darky (6 channels)
    • MSX FPGA (6 channels)
  • ... and many other improvements

Youtube video

Interview de Barry LEITCH (graphiques et musiques) ayant travaillé sur Hero Quest entre autre


Une interview de Barry LEITCH qui est un compositeur de musique et graphiste pour des jeux 8bit tel qu'Hero Quest.

Avec en prime un remake de la musique d'Hero Quest par SuTeKH/Epyteor.

Youtube video

Oldskool demo compo à la Révision 2019


Les résultats des démos oldskool à la Révision 2019 sont tombés, sur deux démos Amstrad CPC, une est en 3ème place :

  • The Seniors - Rivalry - C64 new SID (In the "Commodore audience", this wins!)
  • Hooy-Program - The Brexecutable Music Compo Is Over - ZX Spectrum (2nd place!)
  • Overlanders - Gloire a Piou! - CPC-6128 (3rd place!)
  • Pulpo Corrosivo - Octopus Pocus - CPC-6128
  • Fenarinarsa - Latecomer - Apple ][
  • ZOO - We are the Chimpions - C64 new SID
  • Moods Plateau - Twenty - KC 85/4
  • Chemtrailer Boys - Edison 2019 Invitation - C64 new SID
  • The Pets Mode - ROBOTTO - MSX1
  • Desire - 1E78 - Atari 7800
  • BinaryCounter - Hello - SNES
  • resource+singular - The 21st - C64 new SID
  • TRSI - TRSI 4 Nordlicht - Atari 2600
  • Molive - SNES-NICCC 2000 - SNES
  • Titan - MD-NICCC - Sega Megadrive

Vous pouvez voir toutes les démos/musiques sur Twitch.

Toute la musique écrite par SuTeKH/Epyteor pour Pinball Dreams de Batman Group disponible


La musique de Pinball Dreams par Batman Group est disponible sur soundcloud. Elle a été écrite par SuTeKH/Epyteor et portée sur le processeur sonore de l'Amstrad CPC par McKlain et RaFT/TRSI.

Pousser le matériel à sa limite, le beeper des premiers PC


Quel est le le rapport entre le beeper présent dans les premiers PC et l'Amstrad CPC : Fantasy World Dizzy.

Dans un article intéressant sur Habr, on apprends comment le simple beeper peut permettre de faire de la musique malgré ses limitations.

Le soundtrakker PC Arkos Tracker v2.0.0a4 par Targhan (Arkos) est disponible


Targhan a sorti Arkos Tracer v2.0.0a4 sous linux, windows et mac.

Arkos Tracker V2.0.0a4 released! (01/11/18)
Finally! After 5 months of work, here is it. It includes some cool features, such as:

Breaking changes:
- The Z80 assembler target now Rasm (by Roudoudou). Minimum effort are needed to convert them to SJasmPlus though.
This was required to implement the player configuration feature (see below) in a better way.
Please check the "players" page on the website to find tricks on how to use it on any assembler.

New features:
- Copy/cut/paste in the Pattern Viewer.
- Added a contextual menu in the Pattern Viewer.
- Changes in the keyboard shortcuts in the Pattern Viewer (transpose, octave, instrument, solo, mute, etc.).
- Added an Arpeggio Generator in the Pattern Viewer. Enter notes, select them, right-click and generate an arpeggio from them!
- UI changes:
- Changed the location of the Meters, now besides the Linker. More space!
- Changed the layout of some pop-ups to make them more small-screen friendly.
- Player configuration:
- "Player configuration" source files can be created when exporting songs or sound effects.
Using such files, the players only compile what the songs require (CPU and memory gain!).
- Done for AKG and its sound effect player.
- Done for Lightweight and its sound effect player.
- Done for AKY (Z80 version only, "normal" version (accurate/stable not done)).
- Song optimizer: on export, the Songs are more optimized (will introduce "clean song" options in the UI in later releases).
- Added a Vortex Tracker 2 import (.VT2/.txt).
- Added a Chip'n'Sfx import (.CHP).
- YM Analyser tool: load and play YMs, extract sounds from them.
- YM are now exported with digidrums.
- Atari ST:
- The AKY Player has been converted to 68000 for Atari ST, by GGN. A huge thanks to him!
- Added an option in the AKY export to encode all label references relative to the beginning of the song (useful for Atari ST players).
- Sample export:
- Added a fade out option to prevent clicks, for non-looping sounds. It can go to 0 of to the middle value.
- The padding value can also be 0, or the middle value.
- Added an option to export only the necessary length.
- Source profile:
- Added a mnemonic for strings.

Bug fixes:
- Corrected a big bug when inserting/deleting an item in Speed/Event Tracks (the wrong track could be changed).
- Corrected a source compilation problem when exporting samples in AKG format (thanks Hicks).
- Corrected a bug making the "export samples" dialog disabled, if in AKG/RAW export, export samples was off.
- Corrected a bug with the "source to Orgams" Python converter (thanks Hicks).
- Improved/corrected how the Retrig in instruments is exported (AKG, Lightweight, sound effects).
- Corrected a small UI bug about the selection when collapsing tracks.
- Corrected how the PSGs are addressed on SpecNext (stereo wrongly applied) (thanks Emook).
- Limited the export binary to 4 digits (#ffff) max. Handled correctly out-of-bounds assembling.

Youtube video

Ben Daglish (musicien) est décédé le 1er octobre 2018 à 52 ans


Ben Daglish est un musicien et un composeur pour des jeux 8bit et 16 bit (Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, C64 and Amiga).

La vidéo youtube avec Ben Daglish s'est tenu au pub londonien "Underground" le 15 octobre 2016 où il a joué avec le groupe Fastloaders deux morceaux : the Wastelands loader et The Wastelands theme (le jeu Last Ninja sur C64).

Youtube video

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