Nouvelles versions de RASM 2.2.9 et ACE-DL (26/10) par Roudoudou
-Nouvelles versions par Roudoudou de son assembleur Z80 RASM v2.2.9 et de son émulateur Amstrad CPC ACE-DL du 26 octobre :
- Dandanator goes to Basic mode without cartridge to avoid side effects
- new button in Machine configuration to reinit the entire machine (no plugin, no rom, no breakpoints)
- import of natives ACE breakpoints from RASM symbol file
- may click Timer in Trace to reset nop counter
- may press F7,F8,F10 when trace mode but focused on another window
- added HOME/END and Shift+HOME/END in memory explorer to navigate in memory and selection
- more persistence for CRTC register value change
- update also RASM to benefit direct import of native ACE breakpoints