News about Amstrad CPC, PCW, Notepad NC100 NC150 NC200, PDA600 and also Amstrad PC

Newspaper CPC Anachronie issue 2 by Oncle Ced


On Elégance Editions by Oncle Ced, you can order the newspaper CPC Anachronie issue 2.

But you will also find stickers in french, english and german for Amstrad CPC 6128 to put on the disk drive, packs of 10 labels for 3 inch disks, a poster for CPC Anachronie 1, cartridges of Burnin'Rubber.

Preorder a mass storage Albireo card for your Amstrad CPC


The original Albireo card was created by PulkoMandy, it offers mass storage (USB and SD card) and a serial port. It is nice to be used with the Unidos ROM (Futurs). Zik (Futurs) has obtained the agreement of PulkoMandy to create a v2.0 of the Albireo card without the serial port, and already two batches of the card have been sold. But to make a third batch, 20 to 25 orders are needed. So don't hesitate to torder one as the price of 25 euros is peanuts for the features.